So, Why Beyond?
There are many reasons why I keep going on Beyond trips. To some extent I know what to expect, but each trip is unique and rewarding in its own unique way. Without a doubt, a week in the mountains on a Beyond trip can be one of our most physically challenging experiences people ever experience. Understandably, some folks are daunted by the prospect of going into the mountains with everything you need for a week in your backpacks. However, we always return to base camp with the same people!
I love all aspects of Beyond – the boat ride to base camp, orientation, putting the pack on and taking it off, hiking, setting up tents, trail talk, the physical challenge, the views, the shared sense of accomplishment when we summit and arriving back at base camp. However, one thing I find extremely rewarding year after year is the community created within a small group of hikers and guides in such a short period of time. Sharing of life stories, laughter, tears and the physical experience creates a fellowship that binds us together in ways we couldn’t have imagined when we arrived at base camp. While I know something like this will happen every year, each time it is difference. In a sense, Beyond is some kind of spiritual therapy or renewal for me.Ernie Fraser, Victoria, BC
We started this tradition years ago and it stuck. We start selling it to campaigners when they are freshmen and by the time they are seniors, they cannot wait. Beyond is an amazing experience like nothing else. It challenges them in ways they are never challenged, both physically and spiritually. It provides a way to escape life back home and enjoy God's beauty. We pose tough questions and have great conversations that help them get to know themselves better and their friends, while growing closer to Christ. Beyond also does a great job of preparing them for life after high school. I like to use the analogy of Beyond being a journey, our kayaking is a journey, just like high school, college and life. Beyond is amazing and everyone should experience the realness it provides.Heather Hene, Atlanta, GA
The things I appreciate most about bringing kids on Beyond:
Rick Wilson, Scottsdale, AZ
- It is a chance to take kids completely out of their normal lives and allow them to examine life in a new light.
- The long days of hiking allow for plenty of time for significant life conversations.
- The Beyond experience gives kids a unique adventure: Difficult challenges in a magnificent setting.
- Beyond is a truly new experience for kids who have seen everything Young Life camping has to offer.
- The trip gives kids a profound sense of accomplishment.
- Without distractions, the evenings are a perfect for long and thoughtful conversations.
- Kids come home saying it is the best trip ever. And they continue to say it.
- Beyond Bars.
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