Sunday, May 19, 2013

Embracing the Wild: The Testimony of Ashley Denton

The following is the story of Ashley Denton's first journey in faith. Ashley is the director of the Wilderness Ministry Institute and is the Vice President of Nexus International. He also is a professor of Outdoor Leadership at Denver Theological Seminary.
Ashley's first true immersion into Christ came into being through his trip to Beyond Malibu. Before his wilderness ministry experience, Ashley was a kid who seemed like he had his life together. From the outside. But on the inside, he was a lost child. Caught up in insecurities he regularly turned to partying, vandalism to get attention from his friends, disrespecting authority, etc... Ashley was seeking for significance in all of the wrong places. Ashley had come to realize that there was a gaping hole in his life, swallowing up everything that he loved as it expanded, and that he needed to find something to fill it. But so far, nothing had worked.
 His first introduction to a relationship with Jesus was playing some pickup basketball with two adults that spent some time at his high school. He would later find out that these two individuals were YoungLife leaders. They would remain in his life throughout his high school years, even going as far as to attend his baseball games in hopes of fostering a Christ-centric relationship. Eventually this led to Ashley and his group of friends being invited to take a plunge of faith and enroll in a Beyond Malibu trip. Ashley came in to the experience not sure what to expect, and came out a forever changed man. He was dropped off in the wild, and would have no contact with society for the next week, save the few other wilderness explorers in his group. They hiked all day, pausing only for light meals and brief respites. At the end of the second day, Mark, one of Ashley’s YoungLife leaders, got extremely sick and exhausted. Mark had been the backbone of the group, the energy and life of the posse, motivating and encouraging everyone.
As Ashley saw his friend that he had grown to love dearly suffer for his sake, a passage of scripture that Ashley had heard once before rose fully into his mind. Ashley heard God speak those words to him, saying “There is no greater love than this, than he who lays down his life for a friend.” Suddenly a switch flipped in Ashley, and the need for salvation became a reality to him. As is traditional at the end of YoungLife trips, each camper tosses a stick into the campfire and states something that is no longer a part of their life as the smoke and ash rise from the fire. Ashley renounced his old lifestyle and committed his life to Jesus Christ, a new creation.
Ever since that day, the wilderness has become a special place for Ashley. The transformation he experienced in the context of the wilderness, that week at Beyond was the beginning of a journey that Ashley has been on in ministry ever since. Ashley eventually went on staff with Young Life and served for 15 years in Arizona, Colorado, and New Zealand. He has helped start various wilderness ministries around the world, and published a book on the theology and practice of wilderness ministry in 2011 entitled: Christian Outdoor Leadership: Theology, Theory and Practice. LINK:
Ashley asserts that, "The wilderness has been a special place for transformation that God has used throughout history, and there is no reason to believe that he will stop using it as an anvil for bending people's souls in humility and repentance today. The quiet and grandeur of God's creation is often the place God uses to capture the attention of those he is calling to himself... out in Creation young people become acquainted with the character of their Creator, and they stand in awe of Jesus; by whom whom and for whom the Creation was made (Colossians 1:15-20)." Beyond Malibu has a long history of facilitating wilderness experiences for young people to have a meaningful encounter with Jesus Christ. Ashley's story is just one of hundreds of other kids who have been radically impacted by this intentional outdoor ministry we call "Beyond Malibu".