I love sharing meals. It's a unique opportunity to fellowship, to bring people together, to share in life, to experience the gift of community. Meals at Beyond are no exception. They are gifts, times when we all come together, regardless of our jobs, to share a meal. We enjoy being filled, not only with food, but also with fellowship. The dishes spread across the table are as diverse as those eating off of them, but all are united in their purpose: celebrating Christ.
As the cook this summer I had the joy of seeing this gift come together around the meals I made three times a day. It was powerful to witness the community of Acts 2:42-47 come to life in the faces gathered around the long table under the trees.
The Fellowship of the Believers
"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved."
Around the table at Beyond people brought coffee, blueberries, Tony's, chocolate, fruit, smiles, and stories to share. But most importantly, they brought themselves. Each person from a different place. Some having sat at the table longer than others, some there for the first time, some returning after many years. Yet for that meal we are all reminded that we are united in Christ, even when we are apart.
So, with joy I share with you a recipe from this summer. Each week on Saturday morning, there is a meal that is special because it is a celebration of another week of God's work in our lives and in our ministry, from basecamp to the mountains to the water. For this one meal each week we are all- every guide, every base camp staffer, every guest- together. It is a grander version of what every meal is. Its a feast, we sing, we share stories, and we rejoice together. Each week delicious cinnamon rolls made their way to the table early on Saturday morning, baked with love. I pray that you enjoy them as much as we did. While you devour the sweet cinnamon and lick the frosting from your fingertips, remember God's faithfulness. Celebrate it!
Celebration Breakfast Cinnamon Rolls (from Uprisings: Today's Classic
Baking Book)
1 1/3 cups Warm Water
2TBSP Yeast
1/4 cup Honey
4 1/2 cups whole wheat flour
1/3 cup dry milk
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/4 cup oil
1/4 cup butter
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup raisins
Sprinkle yeast on water and stir in 1/4 cup honey. Allow to bubble up. While waiting, measure and stir together dry ingredients. Crack the eggs and beat them well in a separate bowl. Stir in the flour, dry milk and salt into the sponge, until it begins to look evenly balled-up. Add eggs. Mix or knead until it looks even then add oil in a steady trickle. Keep mixing to get oil evenly distributed-doughwill be tacky. (Keep total mixing time around 5 min to prevent dough from getting tough) Turn dough into an oiled bowl. Shape quickly into a compact ball. Cover and allow to rise 30min or so. Meanwhile melt butter and whip with honey. When dough is puffy, don't punch it down. Roll out on a table, shaping it into an even log withyour hands, until close to desired length. Then roll out 20-22'' wide with a rolling pin or other cylinder (like a bottle). Dough should be about 1/3'' thick. Pour a small amount of whipped butter and honey over the length of the dough and spread it until it is a thin film, set the rest aside for thetopping.Sprinkle with cinnamon and raisins. Roll dough up into a log again, trying to wind it upfirmly and evenly. Cut log into 3/4" wide slices and place in oiled pans. Let rise in a warm, moistplace until they begin to fill the pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes til they are golden. Take out and pour leftover honey butter over the top. Enjoy with friends and family!
Elisa served for two years as a guide for our Sea Kayaking program, where she also provided excellent meals for the whole crew in Egmont. She had so much fun she came back
for another summer to try her hand at feeding the hungry mob up the inlet. We are so thankful she did. We left every
meal with our stomachs full and our taste buds satisfied. Her
cinnamon rolls are truly legendary.
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