Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My name is Ella. And I am on my way home from an amazing trip with Young Life. I got to spend six days in the mountains of Canada through Beyond Malibu. Our guides Aly, Steve, and Sarah brought me closer to God, physically and spiritually, than I ever have been before. There is no better place to experience the incredible beauty of the world God created than by standing on a mountain peak. It took my breath away. This trip pushed me to turn to Jesus for help. During my two hour solo I prayed that I would better be able to let Jesus lead my life. So many times I find myself trying to conquer the world on my own but climbing up that 6,200 feet made me realized that was not what Jesus wanted for me. I need him to be there with me the whole way and there was proof that He was with us on the trip. Every bump and fall ended in only minor bruises and scratches. Clearly a blessing and answer to prayer. This trip all together was an answer to prayer and I just want to thank you, our YL supporter, for making life changing experiences like this possible.

Ella (Mt.Pearkes conqueror)

Reflections from an overnight solo.

From one of our participants. He wrote a couple poems while we did an overnight solo.

Time stands still in this place
I feel like I could live an Eternity in this moment I try to comprehend the love of a God who created this wonderland My soul whispers words of gratitude for a chance to be set free in this wilderness For I am a man who came up here to find himself amongst the giants and the stars Instead, God found me, perched high upon this cliff

I can't believe I am here
Is this a dream?
The sky is painted with unimaginable beauty My eyes scan, skipping from place to place attempting to absorb this creation In my mind I seek the captivating mystery of this place Everywhere I look I see the perfect glory of God I am privileged to be a part of this living masterpiece For this is a wild and unforgiving land, yet more beautiful than anything I have ever seen.
