Saturday, June 23, 2007

Opening Base Camp

E.E. Cummings once wrote that the world is mud- luscious and puddle- wonderful! The first week opening camp has felt like this world E.E. Cummings describes- wet and muddy. I have found numerous puddles and found that the gritty mud really is quite luscious and great. This is part of base camp and part of the experience of learning to love the soul of a place. Base camp becomes free and wild when it's family of base camp staff, guides and campers leave it. The opening staff has been working to tame base camp once more and prepare it for another season of sharing Christ with campers. It has been an incredible adventure working along side other staff learning to live my new summer home. Once in a while the legendary mountains I hear story after story about peek through long enough to take my breath away and I ask myself- Did I really know what I was getting myself into?
Christy Fisher 1st year guide.

1 comment:

Max said...

Fish bone,great to hear from you, or about what you are up to. I especially like the part about the gritty mud.
See you.