Friday, April 29, 2011

Staff Needs

We are still looking for an Assistant Cook this summer!

We are looking for an individual 18 years or older to come and spend the summer serving in the Basecamp kitchen! Responsibilities include working with the Head Cook to prepare meals for staff and guests, and managing campsite meal preparation for hiking trips. This person should be hard working, detail oriented, and have a passion for serving God by serving others.

Spread the word!

If you know someone who would be a perfect fit for this position, please encourage them to apply. For application materials and a detailed job description, check out our website:

If you are interested in applying for an unforgettable summer of serving, call our Seattle office at (206) 525-0791. Thank you!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Map and Compass

I just got home to Bend Oregon from map and compass weekend in Seattle with the rest of this year’s Beyond guide staff. I’ll try to describe it in a nutshell… We were privileged to have Dave Taylor instruct us in the ways of the map and compass, with patience and humor . He has been faithfully training Beyond guide staff for many years. We felt particularly honored to receive his instruction this year because he informed us that this would be his last Beyond training. That's right, Dave Taylor is moving on to serve God in other ways and other places. We just want to thank Dave for serving so many generations of Beyond guides. He is one of the highlights of every training season.

We began the weekend with an intro to map reading and a group activity of designing clay landscapes and drawing our own topographic maps of those landscapes to better understand topographic lines on a map. The next day, after spending some time learning and reviewing declination and compass techniques, we headed to Woodland park in Seattle to practice taking compass bearings. We broke up into teams and worked on triangulating known features on the map to determine our exact location.

On Sunday, after working on some Bible study skills, we we headed back outside, this time to Hamlin Park, for a “non-competitive” (yeah right!) orienteering race. Teams of two scoured the park with a map and compass and raced to be the first to find 11 points marked on our maps and return to the starting point. This was a super fun activity that really tested our skills under pressure. I love orienteering!

All in all this was another great weekend of fellowship and learning. Next up is All Staff/Rock Weekend, I can't wait!

Gracie King is a second year mountain guide who never gets lost.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First Training Weekend

Oh-So-Ko-No, Jeff's favorite.

It’s spring here in Seattle and training has officially started for the 2011 Beyond guide staff. We kicked off the season with our first training weekend March 24-27. As usual the returning guide class showed up early Thursday evening for a fun reunion and a few extra sessions on leadership training. They locked themselves in a room, caught up on their adventures from across the country, and went about setting their goals for this upcoming summer. After a day and a half of work, our newly fearless leaders had developed a their own mission statement, “Cultivating encounters with God through worshiping together,” and were ready to greet their partners, Beyond’s newest class of sea kayaking and mountain guides.

By Friday evening the new guide staff had arrived at Concordia Lutheran Elementary school to a warm welcome from the returning staff. We have fourteen new guides this year who traveled from all over North America including New Jersey, Southern California, and even Canada. The excitement from the welcome, with the help of plenty of coffee and animal crackers, carried on throughout the night. After plenty of get-to-know-you games, the great Beyond historian Jim Caldwell graced our presence and filled the guide staff with a sense of eagerness and anticipation for the joys of weather and surprises of the wilderness that the mountains and inlet holds for them this summer.

Jim Caldwell back in the day. Not much has changed.
Saturday, too, was filled with some amazing guest lecturers. Sarah Field, a Young Life leader from Tacoma, shared about the Beyond experience from the leader’s perspective. She spoke about her trip last summer with 14 high school girls and shared some valuable insight on the goals, expectations, and experiences of a trip leader. Dudley and Kathleen Miller returned again this year, too. These wise counselors have given our guide staff instruction the past few years on interpersonal communication. The skills they teach our staff consistently prove to be invaluable tools on almost every trip. We so appreciate their willingness to serve us, plus that egg toss was totally epic.

Of course the weekend was littered throughout with instruction on hard skills and opportunities for physical and spiritual development. We want to send out a huge thank you to all of our trainers. I won’t list them all by name because I’m sure to forget someone but we are so grateful for your continued support of our program. We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you too to the guide staff for your sacrifices and commitment to serving God and serving kids. We’re excited for the ways in which God will work and eagerly anticipate the new Beyond season.